An American in Paris

The online journal of several months abroad... in the City of Light. The chronicles, discoveries, anecdotes, and reflections that go with an American's life in the capital of France.

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Location: Kansas, United States

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Accidental Find

As I mentioned, I spent this past weekend with Rose in Normandy. It was a great break for me, to be able to spend a few days in an environment so unlike the one in which I work!!

On Saturday, we took the bus from Carpiquet to Caen to do some shopping. We got off at a bus stop that seemed to be in a promising area for shopping purposes. Right near the bus stop, we saw a beautiful church and decided to go in on a whim. We toured the church (which we later found out was the Abbaye aux Hommes), accompanied by the church's choir practice of various traditional Christmas carols. Just as we were about to head over and see their crĂȘche (which turned out to be really nice!), I saw a sign with an arrow reading "Tomb of William the Conqueror" (in French and English)!!! What?! We had stumbled so unknowingly into the church housing the bones of William the Conqueror?! Wow! We followed the indication and found, indeed, his tomb in the sanctuary of the church. A few minutes later, we learned that he had begun the building of the church itself (although I don't think it was finished until after his death).

Perhaps the fact that William the Conqueror is buried in Caen is a well-known fact (it certainly makes sense that he is)... I don't know. I only know that it wasn't to me and Rose!! :) That surprise discovery really made our day! :D
(This is so you can tell where the tomb is, relative to the main altar.)


Blogger MrsDoc said...

Big W O W!
Monnie, that is awesome.
May the hand of Providence continue to guide you and Rose through France, Switzerland, and all places you go!
Love, Mom

12/19/2006 6:19 PM  
Blogger MrsDoc said...

PS - your photography and captions are the Best. Thank you so much!

12/19/2006 6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is indeed AWESOME! CDC & I have stumbled across a few surprises just like that!

Your pix are awesome.

Good Job Sam & Frodo. You see, just like I said back in August, you never know what's going to happen when you wander out your front door!

IL Dottore

12/19/2006 8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chere Monique,
Bravo! Votre blog et vos commentaires sont super! Quel plaisir de lire toutes vos aventures. Juste en face de St. Etienne il y a un poissonnier formidable, ca et une patisserie extra! Mon professeur de solfege etait aussi l'organiste a St. Etienne. C'etait l'arriere petite-niece de Berlioz. Il y a de ca bien des annees...
J'ai hate de vous lire a nouveau.
Joyeux Noel a vous et a votre petite soeur!
Je suis sure que vous aurez facilement devine qui je suis ;) -- meme sans les accents -- MDR

12/20/2006 11:38 PM  

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