An American in Paris

The online journal of several months abroad... in the City of Light. The chronicles, discoveries, anecdotes, and reflections that go with an American's life in the capital of France.

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Location: Kansas, United States

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

"Du Jour" posting

I'm gonna try to update this blog more frequently from now on (as I am able), because I know that if I don't write a lot of the daily incidents down, they will quickly be forgotten (some already have been!)... and also, that will make me keep an eye out for the humorous highlights of the day and help me see things in a humorous light (not that that has really been a problem so far).

I'm just saying.

And now you can hold me to it if I don't post very often. ;) (All both of you that read the blog.)

That being said... what can I report? Ah, yes, you wanted to hear about my weekend. (Yes, you did. Don't argue with me!)
In brief, it went well. The babysitting was a bit hectic... 8 1/2 year old Gregoire broke his plate at dinner by telling a story too animatedly and 9-month-old Béatrice was feverish and cranky, but overall, things went just fine. :) And I got a kick out of watching The Love Bug in French!! Buddy Hackett "speaking" French was TOO funny!
As for visiting a museum on Sunday, well, it just didn't happen. I met up with Bridget (a British girl I met about 2 1/2 weeks ago) after Mass at St. Nicolas and we talked with various people outside in the pouring rain for a few minutes. (Neither of us had had the forethought to tote an umbrella with us.) Then we tried to find our way to one of her better-liked cafés, meanwhile assuming the appearance of drowned rats. At last, we found the place and were able to dry off (most of the way) over a hot lunch. Another English girl met up with us there. ...I had wanted to go to the Louvre, but Bridget convinced me that it would be way too crowded and not at all worth going. I'm sure she was right. So I let her pick a different museum we could go to together. She picked one on costumes and jewelry since she is fascinated by that sort of thing. We went together to the the metro (thankfully, Katherine - the third-party - had brought an umbrella so we maintained a semblance of dryness that time!) and then walked the several blocks from the final stop to the museum, only to discover that it was closed until its next exhibit opened in 2007. There were no other museums of interest nearby (our choices being Asian Modern Art, Hinduism, or some other strange thing - which I can't recall at the moment), so we headed toward Bridget's "flat" for tea. On the way there, we walked beneath the Eiffel Tower (which is, in fact, HUGE) and then stopped at a "Vente de Noël" for a little bit. At the apartment, I met her roommate, Anne (yep, another English girl! :)), we had tea (yummy!), and then talked, listened to music, looked at pictures, and watched two episodes of a BBC show called "Keeping Up Appearances" - funny, but frustrating! By that time, it was nearly 9 pm!! Katherine and I decided to leave Bridget in peace to work on her homework (she's a university student) and make our separate ways 'home.'

My weekend went WAY too quickly, but it was fun!

...I realize that this post has been entirely too plentiful in its use of parenthetical observations, but that's what happens when I try to put something in a nutshell! :)

I was hoping to tack a couple photos onto the end of this post, but it's not working right now, so I'll put them up later.

*and now a word from our sponsors...*

Stay tuned!


Blogger MrsDoc said...

Now I want to see "Le Bug d'Amour" too!!! :D
Sounds hilarious!

12/07/2006 3:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the bloggin'. Even if it's only once a week or so, updates of little trips, etc are nice to read. And come next summer, you yourself will be glad to one day look back over the year and the entries.

12/07/2006 5:37 PM  

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