An American in Paris

The online journal of several months abroad... in the City of Light. The chronicles, discoveries, anecdotes, and reflections that go with an American's life in the capital of France.

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Location: Kansas, United States

Monday, September 25, 2006

Visiting Rose

This particular American-in-Paris spent this past weekend visiting her sister in Normandy. :) And while she was there, it struck her that their experiences this year, although both are in France, will resemble the differences between the country mouse and the city mouse in the well-known fable. But it works out very well for them, because whenever one needs a change of pace, she has only to visit the other! :)

Here are a few pictures from my brief sojourn to the country:

Cours Ste Catherine de Sienne... thataway! :)
Rose, in her little room at the school
In front of the large main entrance to the place
La chapelle...
Here, Rose sets the table for Sunday lunch in the 'parloir'

Signing off now,
The City Mouse :D


Blogger MrsDoc said...

I love the Country Mouse - City Mouse theme! It fits! God is good to give you an opportunity to see both with each other sometimes! These are great pictures, Monnie! Thank you so much! Love, Mom-in-America

9/28/2006 6:01 AM  

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