An American in Paris

The online journal of several months abroad... in the City of Light. The chronicles, discoveries, anecdotes, and reflections that go with an American's life in the capital of France.

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Location: Kansas, United States

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Five Months

Today marks FIVE MONTHS since my plane landed in France and I began my sojourn abroad!!
The months have gone very quickly, and yet, so much has happened that it really does feel like five months' worth of action - or more! Six months from today, I expect I shall home, though I don't yet know the actual date of return.

I feel as though I should say something profound on this "occasion," but... hmm... nothing comes to mind! :)
Therefore, I am just saying this to note that I am nearly to the halfway point!!

I'm going to have to step up to the language-learning if I want to reach my goal by the end of the year!! Wish me luck. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

¡Buena Suerte!

Buona Fortuna!

IL Dottore

1/25/2007 3:39 PM  
Blogger MrsDoc said...

Bon Chance!

Bonam Fortunam! (I don't think Latin had exclamation points, but Maybe?...)

1/26/2007 2:49 AM  

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